Welcome To My Website!
I help entrepreneurs, spiritualists, and survivors navigate dark nights of the soul and find peace, guiding them from surviving to passionately thriving using tips, tools, and techniques that enable them to process the past, accept the present, and embrace the future with positivity and purpose.
I use this space to share my poetry, blogs, books, podcast, courses, meditations, coaching, and other offerings, with the goal of providing resources, guidance, and an example of healing, growing, and following your creative, relational, and financial dreams.
The broad categories I write on are sex, sadness, and spirituality, as these aspects are what makes up a person, and their acceptance and integration leads to internal congruence, peace, and the ability to make good choices.
I do not hold back on exploring deep divine connection, dark depressive expression, erotic exploration, and everything in between.
Scroll down or search to see my latest work and across the top for links to explore all I have on offer. Read about me, my core beliefs, mission, and action statement and why I choose to share my soul online to find out more about what I do and why. You can also sign up to my email list.
Want to work with me? Book a coaching session!
Quick Links
Featured Project
This free shadow work journal PDF will help you discover your truth and become whole. Inside you will find a comprehensive guide to shadow work journaling alongside a collection of activities and prompts.
Own a copy of every audio track I have and will ever create!
The Ultimate Audio Collection gives you life time access to an ever updating library of guided meditations, wisdom talks, and audio courses - download to your device or listen in your browser.
Including: 380+ tracks, 70+ hours & 18 courses. Check out the full course & track list here!
You will receive a PDF containing a password and link to an easy to navigate menu and I will email you every time I update the collection!
Lifetime access to every video course I will ever create!
The Complete Video Course Library gives you life time access to an ever updating library of courses on personal development, habit building, creativity, writing & poetry, lucid dreaming, meditation and more.
Including: 150+ videos, 20+ hours & 40+ courses. Check out the full course list here!
You will receive a PDF containing a password and link to an easy to navigate menu and when new courses are added I will email you!
Identify and release the limiting beliefs that no longer serve you with this 12 week self-paced course.
Featuring 250+ minutes of exclusive weekly guided audio tracks, a comprehensive 10,000 word instructional PDF guidebook including introspective contemplations and expansion challenges. Check out the full content list here.
You will also have access to UNLIMITED email coaching with me.
This course will act as a guide, offering insights, prompts and suggestions that will help you to dive into your shadow, reintegrate, heal, and grow.
Remove the inner blocks that are stopping you from forging a new path and living your truth.
At the core of Immersion is a unique and intuitively tailored 8+ hour intensive - designed to facilitate a paradigm shift that will act as a catalyst for change, growth, and deep insight.
You will be supported and guided through an inward journey that will result in a powerful transformation that will manifest itself in every aspect of your life.
Find out more about the Immersion Intensive, including a full benefits and features breakdown here.
Want To Work With Me? Click Here!
Want To Work With Me? Click Here! 〰️
Discover your divine purpose, heal your soul and awaken to your highest calling.
Join Zachary Phillips on a journey towards living a more examined life with talks delving into the nature of reality, the search for meaning and the pursuit of happiness.
Book A Coaching Session
I offer coaching, mentoring and intuitive guidance in the form of 90 minute video call sessions and voice-text coaching.
These include personalised support and advice, guidance and accountability, as well as the holding of space and a friendly listening ear.
Your needs, goals, and circumstances are unique and so will be the way we work together.
All our sessions will be run through Zoom (live text message & voice only sessions available upon request).
You can book a discovery call, or email me at zac@zachary-phillips.com, with the subject ‘coaching enquiry’ with any questions. Read more about my sessions, prices, packages discounts, and other offerings.
I look forward to working with you!
Check out the full colleciton here!
About Zachary Phillips
Zachary Phillips is an Australian poet, author, mental health advocate, and mindset coach. In these roles he has helped thousands of people move from a place of surviving to passionately thriving using tips, tools, and techniques that enable them to process the past, accept the present, and embrace the future with positivity and purpose.
Read his core beliefs, mission, and action statement and why he chooses to share his soul online.
He has two children and a cat and is a life long practitioner of martial arts. He is the author of 17 books, teaches on Skillshare, Insight Timer, and Udemy, hosts the Reality Check podcast, and is the creator of the Ask A Poet YouTube channel.
He is a qualified teacher, personal trainer, and coach, disability support worker, Reiki master, and is currently studying a Master of Counselling.
Zachary offers coaching, mentoring, & intuitive guidance and is available for speaking engagements and podcast appearances.
You can subscribe to his email list for updates and exclusive bonuses and support his work here.