Good Habits For Students - Audio Course
/Dive into the principles of learning, develop good habits for students and understand how best to apply them as you develop an effective study routine you can stick to.
The Importance Of Good Study Habits
Then importance of good study habits cannot be understated - Not all approaches to study are equal, and not all work for everyone. It is possible to go through our entire schooling careers wasting our time with ineffective methods of study. Students find themselves struggling to retain information because they are using approaches that are not suited to their subjects, nor their personal preferences, capabilities, and learning styles.
In this 10-day course, you will learn how to maximize your study time and exam performance. You will learn the principles of learning and how to apply them, as well as how to establish a study routine that you can stick to. You will be given in-depth instructions and case studies that highlight a multitude of different approaches and encouraged to experiment to find what works for you.
This course will supercharge your ability to learn, giving you the tools, tips, and tricks necessary to not only make the content stick to your brain but also to make you understand it on a deep level. If you want to enhance your ability to study, if you want to do well on your end-of-year exams, or if you simply want to know how to learn more effectively, this is the course for you.
Take a seat, close down the eyes if you wish, get comfortable, and click play below to begin!
Day 1: Myths & Misconceptions
This lesson will primarily focus on breaking down the common myths and misconceptions that surround study and learning in general. It discusses how it is possible for everyone to learn, provided they approach the subject in a way that best works for them.
It will shed light on why some students struggle to remember much of anything from a study session, and why some students seem to remember everything. By the end of this lesson, you will feel confident in your ability to learn, as well as have some insights into the best ways to approach your future study sessions.
Day 2: Basic Principles Of Learning
This lesson will cover the basic principles of learning. Highlighting the aspects of studying that hold true for all people. It discusses the importance of repetition and study time, highlighting the benefits of going beyond the textbook and into other mediums.
It highlights the impact of stress on exam performance as well as how to overcome it. It also discusses how we can use framing and other tools to positively impact our retention and performance. By the end of this lesson, you will have a solid grasp of what is necessary for you to do in order to learn any subject.
How To Study Consistently Everyday
If you are unsure of how to study consistently everyday, I would suggest that you check out days 3 through 10 of this course that can be found in the The Ultimate Audio Colleciton, read more about it below!
But in general the best way to study consistently every day is to prioritise it - both within yourself and within the family/home you live in.
Write a list of everything you do each day and find and block out study time. Study goes in before recreation, social obligations, and other activities.
Share your reasons why with the people in your home. Tell them what you are doing and why. Ask them for support and tell them what support means for you, eg: a quiet house, blocks of uninterrupted time, support and accountability.
Try a variety of different planners, diaries, apps, A.I. and other methods of organisation. What works for one won’t work for another. Try them all and the one that results in you studying more is the one you keep.
Find a study buddy. This is someone who is motivating but not distracting. The goal is not to socialise, but rather to learn together. If they are a friend and you have a tendency to stop and chat - set a timer and be strict on your work time. Study for an hour or two, then socialise (as a reward!)
These tracks are taken from The Ultimate Audio Colleciton
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