TMS Saved My Life After Antidepressants Almost Ended It | Ep 254


What do you do when you are genetically predisposed to have negative reactions to antidepressants, have lost your job, have had little success with talking therapies, and have not yet processed the trauma of the past?

Answer: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

This episode is a collaboration with Dr Jenelle Tupek, director and founder of Balanced Membranes Heath Education, and the host of the Rewriting The Script podcast.

Jenelle interviews me, discussing my experiences with how TMS saved my life and my mental health journey in general - we talk about the nature of mental health treatments and the different options available.

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Are You Manifesting Your Own Reality? | Ep 250

Are You Manifesting Your Own Reality? | Ep 250

How much of our reality do we create? Not from a ‘woo woo’ sense, but as a function of the result of the interaction between our past and our particular genetic predispositions?

If we have faced significant life challenges, and have a fearful disposition, there is a chance that we will view the world and our future pessimistically.

Alternatively, if we have had success, and have a positive disposition, then more than likely we will approach the world with hope. Do you ever wonder; are you manifesting your own reality?

Alternatively, if we have had success, and have a positive disposition, then more than likely we will approach the world with hope…

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Life Sucks When Your Expectations Are Not Met | Ep 248

Life Sucks When Your Expectations Are Not Met | Ep 248

The difference between expectation and reality is often the source of significant discontent.

Life trains us to search for ideals: the perfect partner, job, life, outcome. Unfortunately this almost never arises and even if it did, it would be fleeting…

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I Invite You To Fly - On Faith, Self Belief & Following Your Dreams | Ep 234

I Invite You To Fly - On Faith, Self Belief & Following Your Dreams | Ep 234

When you are at your lowest point, perhaps it is time to celebrate. You are in a state of healing, of shadow work leading to growth, of transformation - towards beauty, towards abundance, towards every possibility that life can offer you.

In this short talk I share how my life fell apart and how I am celebrating the process of putting it back together, better than it ever has been. Who is willing to join me for a look into the dark night of the soul?

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Celebrating A Dark Night Of The Soul | Ep 233

Celebrating A Dark Night Of The Soul | Ep 233

When you are at your lowest point, perhaps it is time to celebrate. You are in a state of healing, of shadow work leading to growth, of transformation - towards beauty, towards abundance, towards every possibility that life can offer you.

In this short talk I share how my life fell apart and how I am celebrating the process of putting it back together, better than it ever has been. Who is willing to join me for a look into the dark night of the soul?

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90: Are You A Wage Slave?

90: Are You A Wage Slave?

Do you work to live? Or live to work?
87% of people hate their job, to me this is sad, absurd and unnecessary.

In this podcast I Introduce my fourth book ‘Wage Slave’' and discuss how you can free yourself!
I also introduce my next skillshare course: Learn To Lucid Dream: 101

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