Choosing A Meditation Object

Choosing A Meditation Object

To be clear, mindfulness is not the act of meditating. It is the state that arises from our meditation practice. Therefore, mindfulness is not dependent on the use of the breath as a meditation object. Anything can be used: sounds, sights, physical sensations, thoughts, and even awareness itself. In fact, if we want to integrate the benefits into our everyday life, it is vital that we explore mindfulness across a broad spectrum of meditation objects. That way, we will have the tools of mindfulness readily available to employ, wherever and whenever we need them. What is the point of our practice if the benefits do not transcend the meditation mat?

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The Vulnerability Of Creativity

The Vulnerability Of Creativity

Why writing a web comic is harder than writing about trauma

I write down what was discussed, and any advice given. I do not want to leave the session and forget what was covered. I am paying for it after all, with my time, money, and mental state…

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How To Meditate Mindfully

How To Meditate Mindfully

Mindfulness is the awareness that arises from purposefully paying non-judgmental attention to the present moment.

This brief definition hides a significant amount of wisdom, so it is worth unpacking. Mindfulness is the awareness, not the act of meditation. We practice meditation to become mindful, first on the meditation mat, and then increasingly in our everyday lives. We do this by paying nonjudgmental awareness to the present moment. This sounds simple enough, but it can be deceptively complex. It involves observing the contents of consciousness, both internal and external, for what they are, as they are; without overlaying additional judgements, labels, thoughts, concepts, wishes, desires, or anything else.

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Finding Peace Through Perspective

Finding Peace Through Perspective

A quick review of our past reveals many moments of joy and positivity; times when things just worked. When a failure came, it did not break us. We picked ourselves back up, learnt a lesson, and pushed forward. Similarly, we can look back and see expanses of misery and suffering. Times where we were down and out, at rock bottom and struggling. There were occasional wins, yet these barely succeeded in moving the needle.

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Social Anxiety, The Relationship Killer

Social Anxiety, The Relationship Killer

Social anxiety is a relationship killer. It makes me bail on connections, say no to almost everything, and fret over small interactions. This ultimately results in people thinking I am rude, that I don’t like them, or that I don’t care.

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Why You Are Not Losing Weight Despite All Those Hours On The Treadmill

Why You Are Not Losing Weight Despite All Those Hours On The Treadmill

Weight loss happens in the kitchen, not the gym.

Today I spent an hour doing interval training: 30 seconds hard sprint, 90 seconds active recovery.

According to the air bike, this burnt 650 calories.

Great, until you compare it to common food items. As an example, a regular (340g) sausage roll is 840 calories.

The point is, it would be a shame to put all that work in only to blow it with poor dietary choices.

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Why Artistic Expression Is A Mental Health Must

Why Artistic Expression Is A Mental Health Must

It wasn’t until I tried writing that I saw major improvements as a direct result of treatment.

Unlike talking therapy, I found that I could express myself far more freely onto a blank page. When I sat down to write, I didn’t have to worry about what the page thought of me. It can’t judge. I could ramble, reiterate and back track without concern for transmitting understanding to someone else.

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A Writer’s Everyday Carry Everything You Need To Embrace The Muse

A Writer’s Everyday Carry Everything You Need To Embrace The Muse

Every Day Cary is a term typically reserved for the military, survivalists and conspiracy wackos. Basically, it’s a culmination of all of the things that they carry with them each day.

Each item has a utility and multiple functions. A good daily carry has a certain aesthetic to it: minimalist yet sexy. Functional, high quality and tough.

Guns. They carry a lot of guns…

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