The Carrion Feeder

The Carrion Feeder

The morning that I found out that Dad had passed away, I drove over to his house. I knew the process of sorting through his possessions could not wait at all, it had to be done that day.

One of Dad’s neighbours, Jackie, had called to let me know that Dad had passed and that his house had already been robbed. She was distraught. Wailing over the phone, coughing the details out between cascades of sobs. Poor lady, they were so close and now she was stuck living there on her own. She was probably the closest friend that my dad ever had. They would spend hours at each other's house everyday drinking coffee and making art together. Dad of course was her dealer.

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Why Porn Is Cheating, But Sex With A Side Piece Isn't

Why Porn Is Cheating, But Sex With A Side Piece Isn't

Fallacious title, but go with me for a moment. What does it mean to ‘cheat’ on your partner? Can you actually define where that line is, or is there some ambiguous knowing that will occur that will somehow inform you when it happens?

Let me ask you some questions….

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Stop Kink Shaming Yourself - Your Kinks Are Valid. Yes, Even ‘That’ Kink…

Stop Kink Shaming Yourself - Your Kinks Are Valid. Yes, Even ‘That’ Kink…

There are certain activities that get me going. Certain situations, objects, places, and parts that really take sex to the next level. Don’t get me wrong, vanilla ice-cream is tasty, but sometimes I need to add some sprinkles and hot fudge sauce to enjoy my banana split sundae…

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Stop Worrying Because It Won't Matter In Five Years Anyway

Stop Worrying Because It Won't Matter In Five Years Anyway

It is easy to get caught up in the emotion of the moment and then to overstate its importance.

Take being cut off in traffic as an example. The feelings of anger and self-righteousness can linger for hours. For some people, a minor incident can even lead to outbursts of yelling, hitting, swearing, anger, and even physical conflict…

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Jealous and Polyamorous – Your Feelings Are Valid, & What To Do About Them!

Jealous and Polyamorous – Your Feelings Are Valid, & What To Do About Them!

To be clear, whatever you are feeling is valid, normal, and likely has been felt by many other people in your situation. Regardless of if you are new to the ethical non monogamous (ENM) space or a veteran, emotions can, and should continue to, arise.

But should you do with those emotions? Particularly the ones that are ‘bad’?

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What Is On Your Mental Health Checklist?

What Is On Your Mental Health Checklist?

When the symptoms of a mental affliction begin to arise, it is important to take action to address the problem as soon as possible. This way the severity, duration and impact of the affliction will be minimised. Unfortunately given the nature of mental illness, it is often very difficult, if not impossible to even realise that action is needed, or to develop the motivation to do so….

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Why Multi-Tasking Is A Toxic Lie

Why Multi-Tasking Is A Toxic Lie

Multi-tasking simply doesn’t work. Not for you, not for me, not for anyone.

Although it may feel like you can do more than one thing at a time, you actually can’t – at least not well. In reality you are doing two things poorly, and often taking longer to do them compared to if you did them one after another…

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Yes, Even You Are Allowed To Relax

Yes, Even You Are Allowed To Relax

You are allowed to relax.

It is okay to look after yourself, and you should be occasionally spoiling yourself. Rest, recover and heal. Self-care is a vital component to ‘Defeating Depression’ as well as preventing all forms of mental affliction. Yet self-care is often overlooked, discounted or put so low on the priority list that it never gets done.

I know I am guilty of this…

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Why Reading Fiction Daily Is A Mental Health Must

Why Reading Fiction Daily Is A Mental Health Must

Reading is a healthy form of escapism. If you find a good book, or better yet an author that you connect with, you will have a tool to escape your current situation and draw you into a new one. This allows you to put aside your current woes, stressors and issues, to instead immerse yourself into a new world. True, this world may have challenges of its own, but from the vantage point of the reader, you get to safely experience another life…

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Clarifying Common Myths & Misconceptions of Mindfulness Meditation

Clarifying Common Myths & Misconceptions of Mindfulness Meditation

Before we progress into the advanced practice component of this book, it is important to address some common myths and misconceptions about mindfulness. Below you will find some of the questions, beliefs and concerns people have prior to starting a mindfulness practice, as well as some of the things they wished they knew earlier on….

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Why You Should Be Exercising Daily

Why You Should Be Exercising Daily

The mind and body are completely interconnected. If something is wrong in the body, the mind may be the first place to show it. Irritability can be caused by tiredness or feeling cold. Headaches and mental tension can often be cured by hydration. Heightened anxiety levels can be significantly reduced by eating. The symptoms of depression are very similar to those of overtraining.

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Taking Meditation Into Your Day

Taking Meditation Into Your Day

‘‘‘To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.’ – Lao Tzu

One of the goals of our meditation practice is to bring the mindfulness state off the meditation mat and into our everyday lives. Just as we lift weights in the gym to be strong in daily life, we meditate formally so we can be mindful in daily life. But there need not be a distinction between the end of a formal session and the rest of our day. Indeed, with practice we will be increasingly able to become mindful at any time. First with small glimpses, and then over longer periods of time…

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How To Know If You Are Meditating Correctly

How To Know If You Are Meditating Correctly

‘‘We have only now, only this single eternal moment opening and unfolding before us, day and night.’ – Jack Kornfield

Knowing if you are meditating correctly is uniquely challenging. Unlike most other pursuits, it is completely internal, and the results are entirely subjective. You could watch two people sitting, one in deep meditation and the other lost in a daydream, and not be able to tell who was doing what. In fact, the day dreamer may emerge from their sit appearing more refreshed and relaxed than when they began, whereas the meditator may appear exhausted….

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Depressed? Do A Status Check.

Depressed? Do A Status Check.

The mind and body are completely interconnected. If something is wrong in the body, the mind may be the first place to show it. Irritability can be caused by tiredness or feeling cold. Headaches and mental tension can often be cured by hydration. Heightened anxiety levels can be significantly reduced by eating. The symptoms of depression are very similar to those of overtraining.

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Can Art Ever Be 'Pure'?

Can Art Ever Be 'Pure'?

Art can almost never be pure.

I would like to remove the word ‘never’ from the above sentence, but I loathe to make definitive statements. There may be an exception to the rule that I haven’t explored and will never be exposed to. But as it stands, I am not convinced.

It comes down to intention.

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Introducing, ‘Bound to the Wings of a Butterfly’

Introducing, ‘Bound to the Wings of a Butterfly’

Bound to the Wings of a Butterfly is a collection of poetry, written as an act of writing therapy. It is about healing, recovery, and self-acceptance. About the journey of discovery that comes with true internal healing, and about transforming our lives, towards positivity, beauty, and love…

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Paying My Rent, One Poem At A Time

Paying My Rent, One Poem At A Time

Tips for Making Money Creating Art

Big news, I’m now earning enough from my online work to pay the rent. That’s right, my poems are paying the bills baby!

Breaking this milestone came as somewhat of a surprise. Given that I have multiple sources of income, it took until tax time for me to do the math, and realise that I had, after five years, in-fact ‘made it’.

True, I’m not living off my work, I’m not uber wealthy or well known, but the fact remains, the rent is paid, and next year is looking even better…

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Am I Neurodivergent?

Am I Neurodivergent?

I recently posted a meme about neurodivergent people struggling with eye contact, as well as a second post about how a diagnosis is akin to learning that you’re playing the game on hard mode; it doesn’t reduce the difficulty, but it lets you strategize.

This prompted a few of my followers to ask about my diagnosis: Am I neurodivergent? So, I figured I would clarify here.

The short answer is ‘no, but…’

Basically, I have a collection of symptoms that present primarily as anxiety derived from complex post-traumatic stress disorder (c-PTSD)…

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