The Fear Of Imperfection - Wisdom Talk

The Fear Of Imperfection - Wisdom Talk

We have a tendency to judge our worst moments against the highlight reels of others.

We see all of our flaws, hear all the doubts, and live through the darkness, yet we compare ourselves to the external projections of others.

We fear failure, yet this fear ironically causes our performance to drop.

This talk will show you that it's only through acceptance and action that we can hope to push through our fears and take the actions necessary for success.

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The Self Is Just A Concept, The Ship Of Theseus - Wisdom Talk

The Self Is Just A Concept, The Ship Of Theseus - Wisdom Talk

Consider the following: if you were to gradually replace all of the parts of your body until nothing ‘original' remained, can you still claim to be you?

This talk breaks down the philosophical thought experiment 'The Ship of Theseus' and relates its implications back to cell division and the nature of the mind over time.

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A Simple Meditation For Lucid Dreaming & Mindfulness - Guided Meditation

A Simple Meditation For Lucid Dreaming & Mindfulness - Guided Meditation

There is a direct correlation between mindfulness and lucid dreaming.

The more you practice meditation, the higher your chances of becoming lucid.

Try this: hold your hands out in front of you, take a mindful breath and say the following, 'Tonight when I am dreaming, I will notice my hands and realise I am dreaming'.

This is a simple reality check that can be used both as a mindfulness aid, as well as to improve your chances of lucid dreaming.

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Enjoy A Mindful Morning Coffee Together! - Guided Meditation

Enjoy A Mindful Morning Coffee Together! - Guided Meditation

Enjoy a mindful morning coffee together - Grab yourself a morning coffee, get comfortable, and let’s get mindful!

Today’s session will be using our coffee as the focus of our mindfulness session – anything can be the focus, so why not coffee?

The basic praise will be to focus your attention on your cup; the smell, the feel, the taste, savouring every last drop.

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Discover Your Divine Purpose - Audio Course

Discover Your Divine Purpose - Audio Course

You are invited on transformative journey of self-awareness and personal growth to discover your divine purpose - the unique mission that aligns with your soul's calling.

This course presents 10 profound questions that provide an opportunity to explore new possibilities, unlock deep potential, and redefine the course of your life.

In this first session we will contemplate the idea that your gratitude practice is not just for the present moment, but also needs to be applied to the future. Good things will happen, that is a certainty - if we can sit in faith and trust of that certainty, we will feel safer in the present.

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All That Matters Is This One Moment - Wisdom Talk

All That Matters Is This One Moment - Wisdom Talk

The simple truth is that it doesn’t matter how much you meditate.

The prestige of your lineage and the books you have read do not matter.

The amount of time you sit, or don’t sit, is irrelevant.

Your philosophy, beliefs, traditions, and practices may have benefits, but in terms of mindfulness - unless those things allow you unfiltered access to the present moment, they are not serving their function and are likely a distraction.

All that matters is the present moment. This talk will ask the questions, ‘Are you present? Are you observing reality as it is, for what it is, right now?’

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A Simple Trick To Still A Troubled Mind - Wisdom Talk

A Simple Trick To Still A Troubled Mind - Wisdom Talk

For the rest of the day, when you notice an intense emotion, thought, mood, memory, or other mental phenomena, take one mindful breath.

That is a long, slow, deep breath, in through the nose and out through the mouth.

Then recognise that you are, at any time, free to make a different decision should you choose to do so. Give it a try.

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Guided Stomach Breathing For Total Relaxation - Guided Meditation

Guided Stomach Breathing For Total Relaxation - Guided Meditation

The mind and body are deeply interconnected; impact one and the other will follow. The breath is a prime example of this connection.

When we slow down the breath and breathe deeply, we are activating the parasympathetic nervous system. This will subsequently result in physiological, then psychological, relaxation.

The practice in this meditation is as follows: slow deep breath to fill the belly, then quick exhale with mouth open like fogging a mirror.

This breathing technique is different to the traditional slow in and slow out breath techniques, and as such, it may produce a different result for you that you have experienced with those techniques.

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How To Lucid Dream - Wisdom Talk

How To Lucid Dream - Wisdom Talk

This talk covers the basics of how to enter, stabilise and enhance the lucid dreaming state.

Perfect for both beginners and advanced practitioners, this talk covers dream signs, reality checks, journaling, stabilising the dream, and asking the dream space for guidance. Happy lucid dreaming!

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Who Let The Bum In?

Who Let The Bum In?

By the end of year seven, I was starting to realise just how different my father was from those of my friends. He rarely worked in a conventional setting, and I had never known him to have a full-time job. Thinking back, I am not sure if he had ever held down full-time employment in his life. I only remember him working here and there, helping his friends with basic labouring or graphic design work. That, and the drug dealing...

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Complexities of Communication: Why No One Will Ever Truly Understand Your Writing

Complexities of Communication: Why No One Will Ever Truly Understand Your Writing

Communication, either via words on a page, or spoken, is not perfect. The speaker formulates a concept in their mind (imagery, feelings, sensations, memories, emotions) and condenses all of that down into words and expresses it…

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I Am Two People Contained In One Body

I Am Two People Contained In One Body

I am two people contained in one body.

Number One is self-conscious, prone to prolonged bouts of mental illness, and not at all confident.

Number Two is a highly motivated, fit and confident person. One who pushes himself daily to grow, learn and produce.

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The 13 Rules of Drug Dealing I Learnt As The Son Of A Dealer

The 13 Rules of Drug Dealing I Learnt As The Son Of A Dealer

My father was a drug dealer. He would use the profits from what he sold, to pay for what he used himself.
Growing up I was exposed to his dealing on a daily basis. I watched and learnt. Taking in all of the lessons he didn’t realise he was teaching…

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So You Want To Sell Your Self-Published Poetry…

So You Want To Sell Your Self-Published Poetry…

To sell anything, you need two things: a product people want and the awareness of its existence. To sell your self-published poetry is no different.

Your muse may balk at the suggestion, but your book is a product like everything else. So, if you want people beyond just your close friends and family to purchase it, you need to reconcile that fact.

Success will come when you learn how to move people’s emotions…

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i find myself through poetry

i find myself through poetry

When I write, I lose myself in the present moment. I tap into the muse, put pen to paper, and all else disappears.

Then, some indeterminant time later, it ends. I don’t exactly know what it is: inspiration, flow, creativity, but all of a sudden I wake up to myself, finding the present moment, along with some words on a page expressing a moment in time, or a thought, or beauty.

That, or a palimpsest of healing. Words written by myself, about myself, for myself about finding myself…

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Write What You Know, Not What You Think Will Sell

Write What You Know, Not What You Think Will Sell

Pro tip: write what you know, not what you think will sell.

One of the main problems creatives of all persuasions have, is that they attempt to replicate the current trends. They see what is working and then try to do it themselves, only to get discouraged when they fail to see similar results…

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5 Minute Self-Care

5 Minute Self-Care

There is no one size fits all when it comes to self-care, everyone is different and our needs change. So it is important to have a self-care toolbox that we can use in the moment as a response to life stress, and as a part of a daily routine. This post will give you some ideas for 5 minute self-care. You are encouraged to try each one and then repeat the ones that work for you…

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How To Reframe Negative Self Talk

How To Reframe Negative Self Talk

Thoughts of worthlessness, poor self-image, lack of belief in your own abilities, failure, and social out-casting, can run rampant in the mind and detrimentally impact your ability to function.

I know from first-hand experience the negativity cycle that these thoughts can put you into. When I am suffering from anxiety or depression, these thoughts can become particularly powerful.

They play on a loop in my mind, getting ever louder. The more they play, the more that I am negatively impacted. My functionality drops as I am less and less able to do the things I usually do. These losses ‘prove’ that the voices in my head are right…

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Use Tools & Systems To Organise Your Life

Use Tools & Systems To Organise Your Life

If you struggle to remember plans, keep appointments, or simply track your responsibilities over extended periods of time, this post is for you, it will give you some tools and systems to help organise your life.

I know it can be frustrating and embarrassing, but the first thing that you need to do is stop being too hard on yourself. Be aware that some people simply have better memories, or were taught effective ways to plan while growing up…

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